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These will look like: Poll: Elva Gümnaasiumi kõige kauneim neid?   View Results

Button Link:

Ordinary HTML link:
Link for forums format #1:
Link for forums format #2:

Will look like this:
Express your opinion!

Indeed first you should give some idea to surfers what this button is for - for example type the question and the answers near this button.

If you can use HTML you can make it look like this:

Elva Gümnaasiumi kõige kauneim neid?
Kes leiab, et tema ei soovi nimekirjas olla või et keegi on puudu, siis andke märku Krister Sooverele
Merli Vesingi
Kalli Kuusik
Kristina Sikk
Kristiina Vink
Raile Laja
Liisi Sirk
Keity Roomets
Kati Juurik
Kadi Rõmmel
Kristi Koppel
Gloria Saarna
Jaanika Kriisa
Heleri Kärp
Helerin Hein
Maria Tani
Anna Perk
Diana Griffel
Kairi Kallas
Merili Retter
Agnes-Vanessa Uusimaa
Eleri Pastak
Mirjam Linn
Signe Valdmäe
Karina Kompus
Marta Kotkas
See Results

Just copy and paste the following code:

If you wish to use graphic representation, you can use the following:

Ordinary HTML link:
Link for forums format #1:
Link for forums format #2:

It will look like this:

Express your opinion!