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These will look like: Poll: When can you join the Chains (all in TC time) ?   View Results

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Will look like this:
Express your opinion!

Indeed first you should give some idea to surfers what this button is for - for example type the question and the answers near this button.

If you can use HTML you can make it look like this:

When can you join the Chains (all in TC time) ?
the staff would like to know when can you join the chains to it will be more effective ! :)
The currently chains are good for me !
I can join at Sunday - 10:00, 22:30, 01:00 (TC time)
I can join at Monday (currently no chains)
I can join at Tuesday - 10:00, 22:30 (TC time)
I can join at Wednesday - 10:00, 22:30 (TC time)
I can join at Thursday - 10:00, 22:30 (TC time)
I can join at Friday (currently no chains)
I can join at Saturday- 10:00, 22:30, 01:00 (TC time)
I don't wanna chain, i don't like it at all
Poll starter: CrazyBunny   See Results

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