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These will look like: Poll: What date is best for a The Well Reunion?   View Results

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Will look like this:
Express your opinion!

Indeed first you should give some idea to surfers what this button is for - for example type the question and the answers near this button.

If you can use HTML you can make it look like this:

What date is best for a The Well Reunion?
Me and Ana want to make a The Well event at least once a month (apart from the short weekly lunch), So pick the dates that work for you for a START date. You can choose more than one. Keep in mind, if you miss one evening, we will try to have more.
Tuesday April 10th, 7pm
Tuesday April 17th, 7pm
Friday April 20th, 7pm
Tuesday April 24th, 7pm
Friday April 27th, 7pm
Poll starter: JF (goonsquad)   See Results

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It will look like this:

Express your opinion!