Direct Links:

Poll Page:
Poll Results Page:

We hope you know what to do with them...

Simple Text Links:

HTML links:
Vote Link:
View Results Link:
Link for forums:
Vote Link:
View Results Link:

These will look like: Poll: Who is your favorite candidate in each district?   View Results

Button Link:

Ordinary HTML link:
Link for forums format #1:
Link for forums format #2:

Will look like this:
Express your opinion!

Indeed first you should give some idea to surfers what this button is for - for example type the question and the answers near this button.

If you can use HTML you can make it look like this:

Who is your favorite candidate in each district?
Please choose one from each district
District 4 - Clive Killpack
District 4 - Lyle Summers
District 4 - Aaron Thompson
District 4 - John Winn
District 3 - Leslie Ashton
District 3 - Mike Kellermeyer
District 3 - Ben Southworth
District 2 - Rob Bennett
District 2 - Joey Foote
District 2 - Jim Lems
District 2 - Sherrin Pelton
District 1 - Nathan Gedge
District 1 - Kim Rolfe
Poll starter: Jennifer   See Results

Just copy and paste the following code: