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These will look like: Poll: Who do you think should be the next Miss Africa in China?   View Results

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Will look like this:
Express your opinion!

Indeed first you should give some idea to surfers what this button is for - for example type the question and the answers near this button.

If you can use HTML you can make it look like this:

Who do you think should be the next Miss Africa in China?
Please do take a look at their profiles before voting
Jillhannah from Ghana
Mbou Wouono Henriette from Gabon
Njue Jackline Wanja from Kenya
Fatima from Morocco
Doris Kwaka Hammond from Kenya
Kaina Konga from Zambia
Gladys from Zimbabwe
Forgiveness Muzondo from Zimbabwe
Stella Zhao from Madagascar
Poll starter: Mama Africa   See Results

Just copy and paste the following code:

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It will look like this:

Express your opinion!