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Indeed first you should give some idea to surfers what this button is for - for example type the question and the answers near this button.

If you can use HTML you can make it look like this:

Why can't Qtrax ever launch?
A) they did launch 2 years ago, there just wasn't any music
B) DRM is archaic, and investors know it
C) the failure of other ad revenue models is looming over us
D) never enough funds, Ak spends too much on his lifestyle
E) the oracle lawsuit was the straw that broke the camels back
F) if they launch, they could fail, so why launch at all?
G) revenue model is flawed
H) the wimpy deal with Baidu will not generate enough hits
I) Ak's reputation as a shady CEO is quickly catching up
J) there is no backer, if there was, we would have launched
K) Qtrax shareholders are afraid to throw good money after bad
L) the product is so revolutionary they fear riots in china
M) they are running out of chumps to con
N) the carrot lab exploded, they will stall until new 1 is open
O) after Spiral Frog demise, robin may be on a losing streak
P) Ak has lied once too often, game may be close to over
Q) Baidu users will continue using MP3, they won't want drm
R) no one is buying Qtrax shares anymore ( I wonder why?)
S) economic times, coupled with shady CEO is a deal breaker
T) statistics show that people like to steal music
U) too little too late
V) all of the above
Poll starter: Ronnie T   See Results

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