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We hope you know what to do with them...

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Vote Link:
View Results Link:

These will look like: Poll: Which KICKPICS Photos do you like best and want to see more of?   View Results

Button Link:

Ordinary HTML link:
Link for forums format #1:
Link for forums format #2:

Will look like this:
Express your opinion!

Indeed first you should give some idea to surfers what this button is for - for example type the question and the answers near this button.

If you can use HTML you can make it look like this:

Which KICKPICS Photos do you like best and want to see more of?
For Example: Posed sidekick to the face
Side Kicks
Front Kicks
Roundhouse Kicks
Hook Kicks
Stomps to a downed opponent
KICKS from the ground
KICKS to the top of the head / forehead
KICKS to the nose
KICKS to the jaw
KICKS to the throat
KICKS to the chest
KICKS to the stomach
KICKS to the groin
KICKS to the knees
KICKS in traditional uniforms
KICKS in street clothes
KICKS businessman vs. mugger
NON KICKS: Groin Grabs
NON KICKS: Groin Strikes
NON KICKS: Elbows to the head/face
NON KICKS: Palm Strikes
NON KICKS: Hammerfist / Punching
NON KICKS: Forearms
NON KICKS: Headshot-type photos (non martial arts)
See Results

Just copy and paste the following code:

If you wish to use graphic representation, you can use the following:

Ordinary HTML link:
Link for forums format #1:
Link for forums format #2:

It will look like this:

Express your opinion!