Direct Links:

Poll Page:
Poll Results Page:

We hope you know what to do with them...

Simple Text Links:

HTML links:
Vote Link:
View Results Link:
Link for forums:
Vote Link:
View Results Link:

These will look like: Poll: Wann soll PFF Training dieses Semester stattfinden??   View Results

Button Link:

Ordinary HTML link:
Link for forums format #1:
Link for forums format #2:

Will look like this:
Express your opinion!

Indeed first you should give some idea to surfers what this button is for - for example type the question and the answers near this button.

If you can use HTML you can make it look like this:

Wann soll PFF Training dieses Semester stattfinden??
Montag um 16 Uhr
Montag um 18 Uhr
Dienstag um 16 Uhr
Dienstag um 18 Uhr
Mittwoch um 16 Uhr
Mittwoch um 18 Uhr
Donnerstag um 16 Uhr
Donnerstag um 18 Uhr
Freitag um 16 Uhr
Freitag um 18h
Im Winter gar nicht
See Results

Just copy and paste the following code: