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These will look like: Poll: THE PEOPLE'S CHOICE: Which is the best FEMALE step team in FL?   View Results

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Will look like this:
Express your opinion!

Indeed first you should give some idea to surfers what this button is for - for example type the question and the answers near this button.

If you can use HTML you can make it look like this:

THE PEOPLE'S CHOICE: Which is the best FEMALE step team in FL?
THE PEOPLE'S CHOICE: Which is the best FEMALE step team in FL? (Please send me a message if your team is not listed)
Alpha Psi Omega (Plantation)
Cobra Step Crew/ Chi Sigma Chi
Ladies of Unity (Stanton)
Delray Divas Inc. (Delray Beach)
Ladies of Fidelity (Sandalwood)
Ladies of Envy (Jacksonville)
Ladies of Intrigue (Blanche Ely)
Ladies of Infinity (Terry Parker)
Pink Ice (Fletcher)
Amara Psi Phi
Showtime Steppers (Piper)
TBT Step Team (Tampa Bay Tech)
See Results

Just copy and paste the following code: